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The Tenuta di Dolciano and Etruschi

The history of Dolciano begins in the Etruscan era. Numerous artifacts have been found on site, including the cinerary urns in the garden of the villa. One of the most famous is the Canopus of Dolciano from the 6th century BC. A cinerary vase with a pot-bellied body and neck, and a head-shaped lid. The intent was to humanize the urn with the deceased to recover his physical integrity after his death. This type of urn is called a visceral vessel and is typical of the Chiusi area in Etruscan times. Visceral vessels were also typical in Egypt, His name derives from the city of Canopus, which was located on the Nile delta. The Dolciano specimen is the best representative of the bronze Canopi (It is now in the National Etruscan Museum of Chiusi). Another historical find is the François vase (66 m high by 57 cm in circumference). An important testimony of the exchange between Archaic Etruria and the Greek world. It represents a cornerstone of black-figure pottery. The vase dates back to 565 BC. and it was used for the mixture of water, honey and spices to dilute the wine that otherwise would have been too alcoholic. It is called the François vase because it was found by Alessandro Francois (1.796-1857) in Fonte Rotella, in the direction of Chiusi. In 1844. Today it is kept in the Archaeological Museum of Florence.

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