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The Bologna cycling cup

Updated: May 3, 2021

The comm. Francesco Bologna of Tenuta Granducale Dolciano was the creator of the "road cycling race”, Coppa Bologna.

Francesco Bologna was an unique and unforgettable agricultural entrepreneur, not aimed at the sole and mere profit of his assets. He personally takes care of the well-being of the inhabitants of his company.

His desire was to eliminate the illiteracy that was then widespread in Italy.

For this reason, he established the kindergarten, the elementary school and the sewing school.

At the same time he is interested in giving entertainment to the inhabitants of Dolciano by creating a theater,

In Dolciano religious festivals were celebrated. Snacks with dances, games like the tumble.

During these festivals, competitions and races on foot or by bicycle were also improvised.

One day he went at the Giro d'Italia on the Radicofani climb and perhaps the inspiration for a cycling race in Chiusi was born here.

Furthermore, the Chiusi railway line favored the arrival of runners from all over Tuscany and from neighboring regions.

In this context, in 1929 the idea of ​​organizing a race for amateur cyclists was born.

Over the years the Bologna cup has grown a lot, becoming a national appointment.

In 1929, 7,000 inhabitants lived in Chiusi, of which 2,500 in the historic center where there were all the services including the bank.

Chiusi Scalo, with its station born in 1862 was becoming a small economic center

There was still sharecropping, people lived and worked where they had their homes. The means of communication were scarce and the bicycle was still a luxury item.

The non-profit event was organized almost spontaneously with the help of citizens who hosted the athletes at home to avoid further expenses.

The organization of the race is entrusted to Mens Sana di Siena, a sports club founded in 1871 and with one of the strongest cycling teams in Tuscany.

On 13 October 1929 the first Bologna Cup was held. The day of the feast of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary, with a great appeal for the faithful citizens!

Benito Galli, President of the Montallese sports club and his friend Mario Rossetti and Otello Perugini should be remembered for their great commitment to organizing the race.

After the 50s and in parallel with the penetration of the mass media and television in Italian families with the success of sports such as football, cycling lost interest, despite this the Bologna cup remained an important annual event for all citizens of Chiusi and not only.

Gino Bartali won the edition of 1934!

Francesco Moser participated and won the Bologna Cup in 1971.

In 1972 the race took on an international guise where the Polish national team wins over everyone.

Other champions were: Roberto Petito, Alessandro Calzolari, Filippo Zaccanti and se wrap others.

In 2019 the coppa Bologna has celebrated the 50th Anniversary organized by A.S.D. Team Bicidea Montallese and is Today a National competition Elite Under 23.


Fonte: Storia della Coppa Bologna, il Ciclismo a Montallese, a cura di Giancarlo del Balio e Leonetto Tistarelli, Ed. 2011 Banca Val di Chiana.

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